Nathan (31K JPEG)

Red Bar Gif

What better place than my web site to introduce myself and my family, which recently grew by one. The web, after all, isn't just dry information.

My first son, Chris, was born a while back...1968 in fact. So it's been quite a long while since I've experienced babydom, and quite a long distance between brothers. One thing is for sure: it's a much different experience today! Nathaniel William was born on the last day of 1996. It was a simple thing to have Seattle Film Works digitize some of our recent photos, and it's great to be able to archive some photos for distant family and friends. Now I need to fill it out with some pics of Chris and anyone else who gets in the way of my camera.

Here's another shot of Nathan where he has some kind of smile....he's much better at it now than he was then (three weeks ago). (39K JPEG)

Here I'm putting Nathan to sleep. He's the little lump on my chest. Kind of a "do as I do" thing. (36K JPEG)

And here's Annette putting Nathan to sleep. She's got the technique down better than I have. (37K JPEG)

Now here's a domestic scene, at least from our point of view. To Nathan this is perhaps a major confrontation that will show up years down the road as a food phobia. If he has nightmares about a giant man-eating french fry (or is that a green bean?), we'll know why. (39K JPEG)

And here are the two midwives who worked with us to try to keep Nathan's birth natural. Didn't work out that way, but we think Cynthia and Patricia are terrific anyway. (38K JPEG)

Now that we've discovered this great way to send pictures hither and yon, I'll add new ones periodically. So check back in the next time you're here.

Red Bar Gif

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Last Updated March 4, 1997