Reading opens the imagination, and imagination is the key to creativity.
Star ratings: The more stars the better. Five is the highest rating I give.
- The Straw Bale House Book
- Superinsulated Design and Construction - Lenchek, Matlock, and Raabe
- Diffusion of Innovations - Everrett Rogers
- Thermal Delight in Architecture - Lisa Heschong
- From the Ground Up - Cole
- Multiple Intelligences - Howard Gardner ****
- Riding the Waves of Culture - Fons Trompenaars*****
- An Adult's Guide to Style - Anthony Gregorc
- Being Digital - Nicholas Negroponte****
- Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson*** (while this book is often crude and violent, it is also extremely imaginative and one of the most provocative predictors of the future of electronic communication)
- Getting to Yes - Fisher and Uri*****
- No Fault Negotiating - Lenlertiz****
- The Diversity of Life - Edward O. Wilson*****
- The Rebirth of Nature - Rupert Sheldrake****
- The End of Nature - Bill McKibben****
- Ecopsychology - Rozak, Gmes and Kanner
- Ancient Futures - Helena Norberg-Hodge*****
- Beyond Despair - Robert Theobald****
- The Politics of the Solar Age - Hazel Henderson****
- Building a Sustainable Society - Lester Brown***
- The Rapids of Change - Robert Theobald***
- The Unsettling of America - Wendell Berry****
- A World Waiting to be Born - M. Scott Peck****
- The Great Reckoning - James Dale Davidson**
- Diffusion of Innovations - Everrett Rogers***
- Voltaire's Bastards - John Raulston Saul***
- A Book of the Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi ****
- Dance, Dance, Dance - Haruki Murakami**
- The River Why - David Duncan*****
- Serenade to the Big Bird - Bert Stiles*****
- Einsteins Dream - Alan Lightman****
- The Periodic Table - Primo Levi****
- The Songlines - Bruce Chatwin *****
- What Am I Doing Here - Bruce Chatwin ****
- The Little Prince - Antoine de St. Exupery****
- Slightly Out of Focus - Robert Capa***
- In Patagonia - Bruce Chatwin****
- Ghost Dancers
- Awareness - Anthony de Mello***** (One of my favorite books!)
- The Scientist - John Lilly ****
- The Mystery of Christ - Rut Bjorkman
- Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahausa Yogananda**
- Unconditional Life - Deepak Chopra***
- Journeys Out of the Body and Far Journeys - Robert Monroe**
- The Deep Self - John Lilly***
- Mavericks of the Mind - David Jay Brown and Rebecca McClen Novick****
- Diffusion of Innovations - Everrett Rogers
- Trialogues at the Edge of the West - Sheldrake and....****
- The Red Couch - Kevin Clarke ***** (Photographs. Find this one! Great!)
- Mortal Choices - Ruth Ackerman **** (medical ethics)
- Ancient Child - N. Scott Momaday *****
- Talking Leaves - Craig Leslie*****
- Winged Words - (Italian woman editor)*****
- Meditations with Native Americans - Steinmetz*****
- Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions - Lame Deer/Erdoes*****
- Black Elk Speaks - Doug Boyd ***** (Read this!)
- The Pipe and Christ - William Stolzman, a Christian-Sioux dialog ***
- The Portable North American Indian Reader - Frederick Turner III
- A Pocket Anthology of Native American Literature (may be the proper title of listing just above)
- American Indian Literature - Velie ***
- The Keys to Excellence - Nancy Mann ***** (RE: Deming)
- Beyond Dispute - Stafford Beer****
- The Tao of Physics - Fritjof Capra*****
- Science, Order, and Creativity - David Bohm and David Peat*****
- Order Out of Chaos - I. Prigogine and I. Stengers*****
- The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot***
- Fuzzy Thinking - Bart Kosko ****
- Surely You Are Joking, Mr Feynman - Richard Feynman*****
- The Heights of Machu Pichu and Still Another Day - Pablo Neruda****
- One Hundred Chinese Poems - Kenneth Rexroth*****
- The Gnostic Gospels - Elaine Pagels****
- Jesus Before Christianity - Nolan***
- Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism - Bishop John Shelby Spong
- The Secret Teachings of Jesus, Four Gnostic Gospels - tr. Marvin Meyer ***
- Open Mind, Open Heart - Thomas Keating (contemplative prayer) **
- The Nag Hammadi Library - James Robinson, ed. ****
- Pistis Sophia: A Gnostic Gospel (for the excellent introduction which lays a historical background of Gnostic literature) ****
- The Abolution of Man - C.S. Lewis***
- Christian Metaphysics - Emmet Fox**
- The Other Bible - Willis Barnstone*****
- Zen - Alan Watts*****
- The Joy of Soaring - Carle Conway*****
- Cross Country Soaring - Helmut Reichmann****
- The Art and Technique of Soaring - Richard Wolters***
- Gliding - Derek Piggott
- West With the Night - Beryl Markham*****
- Doorknob 52 - Fredric Arnold*****
- The Blond Knight of Germany - Erich Hartmann *****
- Winged Warfare - William A. Bishop
- Fly for Your Life - Larry Forrester
- Wing Leader - J.E. Johnson
- Captain Albert Ball - R. H. Kiernan
- Ace of the Iron Cross - Ernst Udet
- Flying Fury - James McCudden
- Fighter Pilot - William McLanachan
- The Airman's World - Gill Rob Wilson
- England Is My Village - James Liewellen-Rhys
- Fox Two - Randy Cunningham
- The First and the Last - Adolph Galland****
- The Look of Eagles - John Godfrey
- Full Circle - J.E. Johnson
- Samurai - Saburo Sakai with Martin Caiden *****
- Fighter Pilot Tactics - Mike Spick ***
- Fighter Combat - Shaw (The fighter combat tactics sourcebook.)
- Flying Hero Class - Thomas Kaneally
- Big Two Hearted - Ernest Hemingway
- Jesus of Montreal****
- A Map of the Human Heart***** (indigenous; very well done!)
- Jacob's Ladder***** (interior world)
- Waiting for the End of the World**** (future)
- Run*** (action)
- Yojimbo****
- Ran by Kurasawa*****
- Dreams by Kurasawa*****
- The Last Metro by Truffault****
- Truely, Deeply, Madly**** (grief issues)
- The Grey Fox****
- The Doctor****(medical ethics)
- The Committments***
- Hear My Song*****
- Thunderheart****
- Buckaroo Banzai ***** (cult sci-fi)
- Heaven and Earth (samurai)
- Starstruck *** Australian or New Zealand origin)
- Where the Green Ants Dream **** (Australian)
- The Man Facing Southeast ***** (Brazilian; philosophical)
- The Secret of Roan Innish*****
- The Maggie ***** (Ealing Studios, circa 1948)
- Wee Geordie ***** (Ealing Studios, circa 1948)
- Whiskey Galore ***** (Ealing Studios, circa 1948)
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James Lux, March 1, 1996